
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Five Kinds of Selves Ulric Neisser Essays

Five Kinds of Selves Ulric Neisser Essays Five Kinds of Selves Ulric Neisser Paper Five Kinds of Selves Ulric Neisser Paper Enemies was born 8 December 1928 Is In American psychologist and member of the National Academy of Sciences. He Is a faculty member at Cornell university. He was a great contributor to cognitive psychology with his first book: Cognitive Psychology. His criticism He criticized the field of cognitive psychology; he disagreed with the linear programming model of cognitive psychology, which sees the human brain like an operating computer, with its overemphasis on information processing models used to describe behavior. Moreover he argued that cognitive psychology had failed to dress everyday aspects of human behavior. He blamed the excessive dependence on artificial laboratory tasks for this failure. He felt that in cognitive psychology, there was a severe disconnection between theories of behavior shaped by laboratory experiments and real-world events, which he called ecological validity. Lastly, he criticizes the opinion that individuals are passive in the perception process. Five selves In his article he says; If we are In search of the self, we can look either Inward or outward. To look inward is to focus on private experience, on mental representations, on the self-concept. To look outward is to see the self as embedded in its environment, ecologically and socially situated in relation to other objects and persons. (Enemies, 1994) Human beings confirmation of each others selfless is seen as an aspect of life. : Human beings have different ways to know about themselves; perceiving themselves ecologically or socially, remembrance, conception, reflection and Introspective awareness are some of the spots to see the self from. Despite to the fact that each have their own origins Enemies claims that two perceptions are fundamental compared to other ones; ecological and interpersonal. Enemies, 1993) This view of him is definitely affected by his colleague and friend, James Gibson. Gibson sees the two perceptions like two sides of a coin. Gibson, 1979) Our definition of ourselves differs throughout our life; at first we Just sense the world outside, our environment and define ourselves accordingly; then we distinguish people from the non living: later being spent more time on the world and having different experiences we see ourselves in another way; after that we learn to hide some things from others, we have some thing hidden or in other word: private; and anally we conceptualize a unique self. S o Enemies defines five different selves according to the direction of the view; Ecological self The self as perceived with respect to the physical environment. (l am the one here doing that. ) The limbs and the reach of them are always considered as ecological self; for example people with artificial body parts consider them as themselves because they move according to intentions and coordinated by the shifts in the viewpoint of the person. Interpersonal sell The self that produces species specific signals of emotional relationship and communication. (l am the person engaging in this human relation. ) The ecological self is an active factor in the physical environment; the interpersonal self is an agent in a social environment. We see/perceive ourselves as the target of the other persons attention, and as an agent in the interaction. Extended self The self based on our personal memories and anticipations. (l am the one with certain experiences and certain routines. ) Private self This self appears when children notice that some of their experiences are not directly shared with other people. (l am the one who can feel that unique emotion. ) Conceptual self (self concept) The self drawing its meaning from the network of assumptions in which it is embedded. It can be based on social roles, internal identities or personal characteristics. ( Enemies, 1988). I am an intelligent American professor. The conceptual self consists of the beliefs, appropriate roles, personal attributes, and even worth and value. Parallel to self concept there exist the self-narratives, the stories we tell to ourselves in mind, while encoding experiences to memory. (Enemies Fichus, 1994). However we often tell the story to ourselves in a different way, reconstructing he life in our mind and this leads to another self; the remembered self. His views about Perception Enemies argues that humans are not passive in cognition; they are active participants using their schemata to perceive the information flowing through sensory organs. If the information is relevant it may change the schemata and alter the processing of knowledge derived from the environment. Information action schemata Enemies believes that this conception explains selective perceptions; as the individual wanders throughout the world the schemata anticipates the beneficial information and allocates the resources to perceives it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Democracy Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Democracy Today - Essay Example Before I go on into this paper, I want to make it clear that it is not my intent to "bash" President Bush but in order to look at whether democracy is still working, we have to look at the highest office because that is where the laws and programs for the country are started. Since President Bush took office, the state of the nation has changed drastically and it has put the American people in a state of shock. There are many factors that have contributed to the demise of our democratic system. In a sense, covertly, things began to change after 9/11 and the bombing of the World Trade Center. This put the United States "on alert" and plans were made to find the people who had assaulted the country. Although no one ever took real responsibility for that act, most people attributed the attack to Osama Ben Laden. The United States never really found him nor made him responsible for this attack. Depending on who you talk to about this situation, the Bush Administration knew about this or they did not. According to Michael Moores video, "Fahrenheit 9/11" information is presented that says that President Bush knew about the attack. Whether he did or didnt, it set off some challenges in the country that eventually went to the War in Iraq. The President went against the judgment of the United Nations and went to War in the guise of finding Sad am Hussein. We found Sadam, he was executed and six yea rs later we are still fighting the War under the guise that it is protecting our freedom in America. However, according to the video, "Why We Fight," by Eugene Jarecki, we are fighting over oil, not for freedom. These are all matters that the American people are upset about but they are not sure what to do. I bring these events together because life as we know it began to change with these events and others. President Bush was elected twice under circumstances that the American people suspected were not on the "up and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Liberal Stuides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Liberal Stuides - Essay Example The travelers, from who all people a million years into the future descend, are made up of a captain, a Japanese woman with her daughter, an American widow, a young visually impaired girl and 6 Kanka-Bono lasses inhabitant of South America, every one of them with a strange or humorous back story. The book traces their expedition from Ecuador to an isolated island in the Galapagos, whereas the rest of civilization plunges into disaster. In Kurt Vonnegut’s Galapagos, the concept of natural selection reveals a world full of mystery and awe and we are able to examine this wonder, when we study the chance component in natural selection. According to the lessons learnt from Galapagos, the chance component in natural selection divides up distinctiveness with the secrecy constituent of God, and consequently is a probable substitute for that mystery. Nevertheless, the protagonists are not as active in participation in that strange â€Å"dimension of the universe† other than sufferers of the deterministic force which underlies the chance mechanism that is natural selection. When this malicious force is examined, a conclusion is arrived at, that it too bears a resemblance to the mechanistic viewpoint of the world put forward by evolutionary discipline. Vonnegut’s readers get to feel the power or fear in Darwin’s idea of natural selection that takes place in Galapagos. At the onset of Galapagos, Vonnegut depicts the â€Å"big rains† devastate humanity and the earth, even though later, via the material mechanisms of natural selection, the big brains later evolve into â€Å"smaller skulls† and accordingly the earth and humanity are able to be saved from devastation. There are those that put forth the argument that Mary acts out a crucial role in the latest creation, since her engineering in genetics produces a new family that is able to survive the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Letter of Intent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Letter of Intent - Essay Example ience provided me with a detailed insight into construction and architectural drawings and visual and mechanical inspection of various building elements. I observed the importance of having good leadership and managerial skills in order to excel in the field as an executive. While I explored and polished my leadership and managerial skills in this job, I realized that the importance of being formally qualified in the same cannot be overemphasized. This experience spurred an interest in me to specialize in education and leadership. Five years from now, I want to see myself among the top management executives in my company. I need to have thorough understanding and knowledge of the critical knowledge areas of management band leadership in order to realize my plans. My goal is to establish a strong business model wherein I lead responsibly and effectively. I am positive that getting a Master degree in Education and Leadership from Thompson Rivers University will open new doors of opportunity for me and speak for my competencies and skills as a learned leader before the prospective

Friday, November 15, 2019

In The Heart Of The Sea |Book Analysis

In The Heart Of The Sea |Book Analysis In the early nineteenth century it was very common for communities to rely upon specialized products as a source of income. This book, In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex, is a story of a whaleship that was attacked by a giant bull sperm whale in the heart, or middle of the Pacific Ocean while on a voyage to acquire whale oil, Nantuckets prime commodity. The author, Nathanial Philbrick, describes the effects that this tragedy had on the city of Nantucket, the hardships that came along with being a sailor in the whaling industry, and the gruesome battle for survival that it placed upon the crew of the Essex. The early 1800s was a great and prosperous time for Nantucket. This community was extremely functional in the fact that it had a flourishing economy, little to no crime due to the harmony of the people and dominant Quaker religion, and well played roles of both men and women. As mentioned before, Nantucket heavily relied on whale oil as a source of revenue. At this time the price of whale oil was rapidly rising, thus stimulating their economy. Though it seems as if this town had it made, the act of obtaining whale oil was quite dangerous and often deadly. It was typical for men to be gone for years at a time out at sea and for women to lose their husbands and other male loved ones to the risky whaling business. Women as well had a very crucial role in keeping the town running smoothly. In addition to having to attend to normal everyday tasks of taking care of the children and household duties, they had to run a majority of the islands businesses. The women struggled with these tasks and because of the loneliness brought on by the absence of their spouses many began to fall in to the addictive traps of opium. It was tough to say the least but this was all necessary for the existence of this town. The Essex was a whaling ship used by the town of Nantucket in the nineteenth century. It, along with two companion ships, set sail in August 1819 from Nantucket Island in search of the one thing that was vital to the community, whales. Within the first few days of being out at sea the Essex experienced a great storm that almost killed everyone on board. Not only was the ship almost flipped over but the sails that they used to guide the ship across the ocean were torn. One of their three ships was swept out to see, leaving them with only two. Having no other choice the crew made stops along the coast of South America to restock the ship with various supplies and equipment necessary for the voyage. After embarking once again the crew eventually came upon two whales, which they killed. This was about half of the amount that the crew had set out to capture before returning back to Nantucket. Around mid-November 1820, nearly fifteen months after they had originally set sail, the crew came upon a group of whales needed to complete their journey. While trying to kill the whales, a giant sperm whale severely damaged the side of the ship making it unable to be fixed. It was at this point in which their nightmare started to begin. They were forced to abandon the Essex and take shelter on a nearby island. The crew brought a majority of their supplies with them because they feared that the rumors they had heard might in fact be true. It was said that there were cannibals on a close island towards the west. Capitan Pollard along with the other men decided to sail back to South America on their one and only ship. It ended up being over a month until they reached any land. Eventually they ended up at Henderson Island where they discovered that there was not a plentiful amount of anything, including fresh drinking water. Pollard decided to get back on the ship leaving three men behind who we hoping that they would eventually come back to help them. It wasnt long before the cre w on the ship started to become starved and dehydrated. After months of malnourishment they started dying off just one after another. At first they would throw their bodies overboard and bury them at sea but it came to a point in which they began to run extremely low on supplies. What the ironic part is about this story is that the men were faced with the tough choice of becoming cannibals and feasting off of their old crew members deceased body, giving them some hope for survival, or hoping for the best and reaching land soon. It is ironic in the sense that they were tremendously frightened by the tales that there were cannibals in close proximity to them, which is why they ended up not staying, but cannibalism actually ended up saving some of their lives. Only a few crew members from the original twenty survived, they included Thomas Nickerson, Owen Chase, Charles Ramsdell, Benjamin Lawrence, and Capital George Pollard. The tragedy of the Essex will greatly affect the community of Nantucket because they rely so heavily upon the whale oil for survival. When the Essex sank so did the whale oil, leaving the town with nothing recovered from that journey. Not only does it affect them economically it affects them socially as well. Many men lost their lives during this expedition, leaving numerous wives without husbands and children without fathers. As for the sailors who actually survived the harsh time out at sea it was hard on them after their return. Gossip went around the town talking about how the men became cannibals. The community was respectful towards the sailors though, they kept quiet about the topic for the most part. But, townspeople continued to whisper about the Essex well into the twentieth century, it was not a topic a Nantucketer openly discussed (Philbrick 217). The disaster made it extremely difficult to survive in this community, and eventually led to the collapse of it. This led to t he falling down of the whaling industry in Nantucket. The industry moved to other various locations along the New England coast, usually with deeper ports than that of Nantucket. Shortly after this a major catastrophe happened to the town of Nantucket. Fire raged across the town leaving many homeless, jobless, and with nothing. Philbrick describes the event saying à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦more than a third of the town and almost all the commercial district was charred wasteland (222). After this accident many people took off to the west to California to start a new and having hopes of finding gold, leaving the town nearly empty. You would think that an event as serious that this would have a big negative effect on the nation no matter how small the incident, but it didnt at all. By looking at the time period in which this took place, other issues that were a concern of America, and the sheer size of the nation you can tell why it had such a minor effect on the country and received almost no attention or interest. Whaling was not a concern of the entire nation because it only benefitted a certain region. Also, we were getting over wars that had been going on for awhile. When looking back at the series of events that took place over this entire story you can start to see where crucial errors in decision making in which determined the fate of the voyage. As I had mentioned earlier the Essex went through a major storm that tore up the sails and made the ship nearly inoperable. Capitan Pollard, with his years of experience in commanding ships, suggested that the crew turn the ships around and head back for repairs so that they could travel more safely down the road ahead. Two of his less experienced mates disputed that there were extra ships available at a close port, and that they should just keep moving along so that they would not waste time. Philbrick writes that, Pollards behavior, after both the knockdown and the whale attack, indicated that he lacked the resolve to overrule his two younger and less experienced officers (101).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Japanese Yen :: Essays Papers

Japanese Yen The Japanese Yen When Richard Nixon suspended the convertibility of US dollars to gold in 1972, the fixed rate between the dollar and the yen was exchanged for a floating rate. The international value of the yen rose sharply and is today one of the most attractive currencies on the market as it directs the world's second largest economy. The yen is controlled by a central bank known as the Bank of Japan or BOJ. This central bank is under the supervision of the Minister of Finance. Over the past decade, the yen has fluctuated greatly. From early 1990 through mid 1995, the yen doubled in value from 160/$ down to 80/$. From 1995-1998, the yen lost value and was back up in the 140's/$. The trend in the past year has been a steady increase in value for the yen. Over the past six months, the yen has fluctuated. From April through mid-July, the yen floated between 124/$ and 118/$. Since then it has increased in value falling to the area of 105/$. On Friday September 24, the closing rate on the yen was 104.24/$. Over this next week, the yen rose to a close of 105.0000/$. This means that the yen lost a little value in comparison to the dollar. This slight fall is not representative of what is going on with the yen however. Over the past few months, investors have put money into Japanese stocks. The government is putting pressure on the BOJ to increase the yen supply in order to stave off inflation and curb long-term interest rates. This pressure came after a G-7 meeting in which the members suggested that Japan do something to weaken the yen. Prices and wages are falling and output is below Japanese productive potential. Despite these factors, the BOJ is hesitant about responding because it is concerned that expanding the yen supply will cause inflation. Last week, Japanese companies were becoming more optimistic about economic growth. The BOJ didn't take in cash from money markets on Sept. 30, leaving in twice the normal sur plus, so traders felt that the BOJ would follow the idea of expanding the yen supply. The BOJ is conducting a survey on Monday Oct. 4 to see how optimistic business sentiment is as the economy tries to rebound. The yen could rise this next week to its highest level since that 1995 value of 80/$.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Jessica Dirr: The Most Outstanding Law Student Essay

Different people have different callings in life. Some shine above their peers, while others just try to blend in and mix with others. The different challenges that this university give its students provide numerous opportunities to excel in their chosen fields. This academic institute, hones the talents and the knowledge that students have helping them shine and be recognized.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Every year, our organization nominates the graduate who has exemplified high academic achievement, and the most positive impact in leading the organization. For this year, our organization has nominated Ms. Jessica Dirr as the most outstanding Law student. She was hand-picked for this award because of the extraordinary contributions   and the exemplary performance that she made both in her co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jessica is a very determined and hard working student. Her commitment to the school is astounding. She completed more than half of the program on her first year, while working on a part time basis. Jessica was even selected as the graduate reasearch assistant of Mr. Jimmi Manning, the over-all project director of Critical Ethnography. This is one of those unique courses that requires a screening process before being allowed to enroll.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even as a student, she still managed to be actively involved with professional organizations. She is the Social Chair of the Graduate Student Organization, while still being an active member and alumnae of the Theta Phi Alpha.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even if Law took up most of her time, Jessica still managed to demonstrate a high level of involvement on the different organizations, both on campus and in the community. Being the Social Chair of the Graduate Student Organization, she planned and executed social events for a program which aided in the development of close relationships among the people involved. Since she was an active member of the Theta Phi Alpha, she assisted and helped in the recruitment of the members for her chapter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jessica’s involvement in different fundraisers provided excellent leadership for her sisters. She is well respected, and is often the person her sisters run to for support and assistance regarding the problems of the chapter and of their personal lives. Recently, she teamed up with another graduate in planning a large scale fundraising event, called Dancing with the Scholars. This event has been generating tons of discussions among NKU students. It was predicted that this event will be watched out by the students, and will be one of the most successful events of the year.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jessica Dirr also represented our school in different regional and national conferences. She and her classmates responded to a topic through a debate regarding research, practice, and pedagogy. Their topic was â€Å"Graduate Call to Action: Re-Invigorating Communication through debate regarding research, practice and pedagogy.† They answered the topic as fluent and as confident as they can. In May, she will represent our school again as she attends and presents at the CSCA Conference. Her presentation will be about interdisciplinarity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With everything that has been mentioned, we believe that Jessica Dirr is the perfect recipient of this year’s Most Outstanding Law Student Award. Her accomplishments, both as an individual and as a student of this university, are very much impressive and should be recognized. The numerous contributions that she has made have paved way for the betterment of this university and of its students. She is an extraordinary individual who students can look up to, and a esteemed person who students admire with dignity.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Motorolas Case Study

Motorolas Case Study Introduction Motorola is a Chicago based firm that was started in 1928 as the Galvin Manufacturing Corporation. It is a top producer of handheld cell phones and markets wireless web devices. In 2003, phone gadgets contributed to 40% of the revenue and 60% of Motorola’s operating profits. Motorola is good in communication and technology creativity.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Motorola’s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This has been possible through its strong branding and technological innovation. The firm strives to achieve breakthroughs in technology and to emerge at the top of its competitors (Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson, 2010). This paper seeks to explain the SWOT analyses of Motorola incorporation, as well as merits and demerits of Motorola’s strategies. Additionally, the essay identifies the levels of strategy in a firm and issues in business administration. Salient opportunities and threats that exist in Motorolas external environment The external environment analysis helps an organization to know if its resources are enough to thrive among its competitors. Opportunities are favorable external environmental factors while threats are unfavorable external environmental factors. Brand is an important opportunity for Motorola. Its brands are strategically located in the telecommunications market. This increases the chances of customers seeing and buying its products. Additionally, the firm has strong marketing and promotional tactics. It uses various marketing devices such as print media and TV. As a result, it is able to inform millions of customers about its products. Another opportunity is strong ability and readiness to take risks. For instance, through creation of new products that enables Motorola to achieve a competitive advantage. The innovation of new products brings differentiation to Motorola therefore reducing the prices of its products. Some products like Telco TV have helped the firm to be better placed in the market. The corporation has also been winning different contracts that enable it to supply its products in large volumes for a long period of time. This has also helped to boost its sales as well as performance. These opportunities have enabled the firm to grow and establish itself internationally. For instance, it has entered other markets like Taiwan and United Kingdom. The main threat that Motorola faces is competition from new and foreign firms. For instance, in 2003, Japanese, Korean and Chinese businesses were entering the market to produce and supply cell phones. Their products were cheaper and of higher quality as compared to Motorola’s.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This threatened Motorola’s profit margins such that they were almost reaching one percent (Hitt et al., 2010). Additionally, the firm does not enjoy government protection against entry of foreign businesses in to the market. As a result, foreign market players have entered the market and are almost replacing Motorola. Another threat is barrier to trade in some foreign markets. For instance, Motorola has been facing difficulties in penetrating Japan. Considering that Japan has already entered Motorola’s market, then blocking Motorola from entering Japan seems unfair. The other threat is from Sagem, which achieved the top most market position in France. It has been difficult for Motorola to surpass Sagem’s performance as it is a very strong company. Its products are of high quality and affordable. Motorola also faces threat from environmental, health and safety rules. For instance, it is required to ensure that the environment is kept clean during its production process. The costs associated with this are high and they affect the overall profits and performance of the firm. The credit ratings in the market are unfavorable to the company. High credit ratings mean that the company is charged more interest on loans. As a result, this cost is passed over to the consumer therefore reducing the competitive advantage over the other market players. Motorola’s most prominent strengths and weaknesses Strengths are internal favorable environmental factors while weaknesses are internal unfavorable factors of a business. Motorola’s strength is that it is a prominent company in provision of wireless handsets, communication devices and the single provider of iDEN network. Motorola is a leading and strong market player. For example, it acquired and managed Kreaatel therefore gaining higher chances of entering European and North American markets. The other strength is the ability to manufacture large volumes of mobile handsets at a given time. This enables it to meet the market demand with ease. It is also able to enjoy economies of scale that come with large scale production. Additionally, it is able to surpass its competitors by ensuring that its products are readily available. Motorola’s weakness is that the general quality of its business operations makes customers unsatisfied. This is because at times, the products happen to have defects which make them to function improperly. Therefore, the customers tend to opt for other technological devices which can function smoothly. Another weakness is that their employees are less skilled and trained. They also lack motivation.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Motorola’s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More They offer substandard services to the consumers because they may not know how to manufacture and operate the mobile handsets. This has reduced quality, customers and sales of Motorola’s products around the world. Another threat is weak profitability. Motorola’s profits and market share have b een dropping because of the weaknesses and threats it has been facing. This requires that the company adopts different strategies in order to regain its market position. Advantages and disadvantages associated with each of Motorolas strategic options Motorola’s strategic plans have been made using intangible and tangible facilities. The intangible facilities are employees who aim at achieving the firm’s goals and experts who possess technological creativity. The tangible facilities are the products such as telephone handsets. These intangible and tangible facilities enable the company to produce, market, sell and obtain income from its produce. However, this strategy is disadvantageous because there are many IT firms using it. Therefore, Motorola needs to identify and advance other tactics that will enable it to achieve competitive advantage. Another Motorola’s strategy is the implementation of the new WiMaX expertise. This is an essential strategy for Motorola given that WiMaX has several advantages. It can take the place of many telecommunication facilities and cellular telephone networks. It can also provide internet facilities to Motorola products. For instance, Motorola has installed WiMax in to its cell phones therefore making it an international performer in technological innovation. Introduction of WiMaX has made other big providers of communication devices to be on toes in order to offer similar facilities. For instance, Nokia and Cisco Systems are aiming at providing WiMaX services to the mobile industry. However, the strategy of using WiMaX is disadvantageous. For example, there is increased competition since other mobile technology companies are starting to provide the same services.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, the costs required to use WiMaX are getting lower as more manufacturers turn up. This has increased supply and lowered selling price therefore affecting Motorola’s profits. How the corporations strategy and organizational structure can be designed to solve the companys strategic issues There is stiff competition in the technology market. Therefore, Motorola is expected to fight for its place in order to endure and achieve competitive advantage above its competitors. It can do this by differentiation of its products and provision of competitive prices to its customers. Since there are upcoming and innovative telecommunications providers, it is important that Motorola improves its strategies (Hitt et al., 2010). In order to remain competitive, Motorola can identify and implement different products that have not yet been launched by its competitors. Additionally, it can adopt bargaining power by purchasing its production materials at affordable price. For example, it can buy in large volumes in order to obtain discounts. This way, it can be able to sell its mobile handsets at a price lower than its competitors. Motorola should also strive to create more products. Since the costs of producing digital products are reducing, customers and demand are also increasing. These customers aim at obtaining variety of products for comparison purposes. They also expect to buy quality products. This should motivate Motorola to increase its production capacity, create new products and advance its technology in order to take advantage of increasing demand. How Motorola should proceed In order to improve its strategic planning, Motorola should be highly innovative. This is in order to ensure that plans with the right procedures, mechanisms and technology are introduced. As a result, the future product needs of consumers can be met. The technological plans initiated by Motorola Corporation will need a mechanism of checks and balances which will remove market s urprises and errors. Road mapping is a strategic plan that Motorola can adopt because it can make the company to be different from its competitors. This road map offers a general procedure and database for every Motorola company to follow. This enables the companies to be in a position to advance, build and share their products, missions, visions and strategies with the whole corporation. Additionally, it is possible to centrally solve issues that are facing various sections therefore reducing problem solving procedures and time. Road mapping can also provide strategic planning which creates a competitive advantage. Various levels and types of strategy in a firm Business level strategies are methods that firms use to carry out several operational roles. These strategies are used in order to assign duties and guidelines for proprietors, managers and employees. Some of these strategies are: coordination of unit functions, utilization of labor, development of competitive advantages, id entification of market gaps and monitoring of product plans. Issues in business administration Human resource issues: These are matters or problems that face the employees. Some of them are: guaranteeing of open communications, balancing of stress and the labor force, setting up of responsibilities and conflict resolution (Bishop, 1991, p. 6). Structural issues: These are basically the factors affecting the organizational structure. Some of them include competition, characteristics of customers and suppliers and the technological and regulatory environment. Although these issues can affect business, it is important to converse with the administration before changing the organizational structure (Bishop, 1991, p. 7). Policy and Procedural Issues: This is mainly the authority that is either granted or earned by the employees or owners of a business. Authority entails application of control within a firm. For instance, there are procedures for approving and delegating of responsibiliti es and authority. An organization can use Management by Objective (MBO) to coordinate and allocate authority and duties. Current Operating Reports should be made in order to give management and employees an updated schedule of expected goals and objectives (Bishop, 1991, p. 8-10). Risk management issues: This involves identifying and solving uncertain factors that can affect the profitability or goals of an organization. It is the role of management to weigh the consequences of these concerns on the whole business. Some of these issues are: asset theft, computer offenses, scams and breach of laws (Bishop, 1991, p. 10). Conclusion Motorola Incorporation has various opportunities and strengths that allow it to establish a stable market position. Its opportunities are strong marketing and promotional tactics, strong brands which are strategically located, creative technological advances, different contract awards and strong ability and readiness to take risks. Its strengths are the abi lity to manufacture in large volumes and becoming a leading and strong market player. On the other hand, Motorola faces threats from its competitors such as Japanese and Korean cell phone manufacturers. They sell related telecommunications devices and sell them at a lower-cost price. The other threat is barrier to trade in foreign markets as well as environmental, health and safety rules. High credit ratings deny Motorola the chance to borrow capital at an affordable rate. As a result of these threats, Motorola has initiated competitive techniques such as WiMaX technology which has enabled it to attain a competitive advantage. There are various business level strategies that have been initiated in order to assign duties and guidelines for proprietors, managers and employees. There are also issues affecting business administration. These are human resource issues, structural issues, policy and procedural issues as well as risk management issues. References Bishop, J. (1991). Manageme nt Issues for the Growing Business: Emerging Business series. Web. Hitt, M., Ireland, R., Hoskisson, R. (2010). Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts: Strategic Management Series.Concepts. Connecticut, U.S.: Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Human Cloning Nightmare essays

The Human Cloning Nightmare essays If it took 227 tries before the scientists that created Dolly got a healthy, viable lamb, how many tries will it take for a human? And how many deaths and lethal birth defects would it take (www. cs.virginia.edu/ethic 1) Cloning has always been a dream in sci-fi novels and movies and suddenly it is becoming a reality. A horrible reality. The government of the U.S. has banned testing for the cloning of a human. But how can we be so sure that isnt already going on? Although cell cloning may be helpful for medicine may be helpful for medicine in finding diseases and organ donation, I believe human cloning is unethical and should never be done. Human cloning is against many religious beliefs and the results are unpredictable. Cell cloning on the other hand may prove to be beneficial. The majority of religions protest the continual advances in the push for human cloning. Religious arguments are based largely on the traditions and scriptures unique to each faith ( www.cs.virginia.edu/ethic 1) For example, the Roman Catholics believe that every act of human cloning is of evil nature. They believe that cloning violates the rights and dignities of humans, and destroys the divine image of man created under God. In general, most people of the Catholic and other Christian faiths believe that each person holds a human soul, different from one and other. According to these beliefs it is impossible for the soul of a person to be cloned along with the physical being. Similarly, the people of the Jewish religion believe with human cloning comes deception within the family structure. In Jewish tradition, inheritance is passed down through the family lines and cloning would disrupt such practices. This is in accordance to the Jewish viewpoint on mans destiny and inheritance. Inheritance would change from physical characteristics present in the parents and showing in offspring, to...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Economics - Essay Example Here the word economy stands for the national, industrial and firm level economy. But in practical sense it explains our day-to-day individual activities as well. Such activities may run from the way we compete our daily grocery to our evening coffee at a coffee shop. The major distinguishing factor between an economist and a non-economist is that, they have different perspective to see an event that can be as ordinary as picking some flower from the nearby market. This difference in view comes from the analytical economic forecasting that the subject teaches us to become a more rational human being. This forecasting can be made a lot complex if we consider forecasting through statistical data analysis and that might be a whole lot harder to explain to a non-economist. Therefore the present article emphasizes on economic logics that helps us analyse a situation and determine the right time to take an action that might be related with economics. Analytical economic forecasting follows a chain of events that it tries to sew with one another to get to the optimum decision destination. It starts with considering the focused event and ancillary events that are present around that; furthermore it tries to grasp the future events that might follow through in short or long run. Before moving into details it should be kept in mind that economics is a social science and any event in society that is substantially important to influence the surrounding will have an impact on the economy. Let us now analyse what sort of impact a rise in crude oil price might have on the economy from an economist point of view. To a non economist rise in crude oil price will definitely knock his head considering the higher price that he might have to pay now for gasoline; the fuel his car run on. However the wrinkles on his forehead and the anger that lays dormant deep into his heart will be multi fold if he considers the spiral of events that will follow suit a rise in crude oil price. Crud e oil is the prime form of energy in America so a price rise will result in rise in price of energy, domestic and industrial alike. Several industries nation wide (if we restrict our views beyond the national boundary) uses crude oil or its refined form diesel, petrol or gasoline as raw material; a rise in the price of the same will definitely raise the price of those related products. What would be the effect on household? A simple example can be, perishable and non-perishable goods reach our market through goods vehicle that run on crude oil related products. A rise in the price of crude oil will make logistic costlier. This will reflect in higher price for the related goods such as vegetables, meats, milks and etc. Eventually this cost will have to be borne by the consumers, as the producers are always in look out to shift this extra cost burden to the consumers. This is the initiation of inflation spiral where rise in price for a product results in rise in price for other produc ts and eventually within the economy a price related anarchy breaks down that seldom get tamed unless intervened by the government or the market force that is demand and supply interact with optimum speed to settle at a new equilibrium (Crane). The government might set a ceiling on price, or use subsidy. Whether in a free market mechanism the higher price might result in lower demand and greater supply and eventual settlement of price at a manageable level. A non-economist almost always overlooks the inflation spiral that might initiate within the economy from a single and simple event. It is also true that analytical economic forecasting not always provides

Friday, November 1, 2019

Baroque art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Baroque art - Essay Example Dutch art is insightful of the Protestant Reformation. Frans Hals was the foremost painter in the seventeenth century Haalem, a city in Dutch whose affluence developed from brewing beer and making extravagance fabrics. Even though Hals painted various scenes of every day’s life, he was essentially a portraitist. His outstanding group portraits of the public guards and administrators of helpful foundations, all of which are in the Netherlands, are particularly famous. To avoid flattery, Hals illustrated his sitters with a dynamic honesty that called for their strong, informal tastes. Winning political freedom from Spain in 1648 and the liberty to devotion in the new protestant belief, the Dutch Republic was as well immensely rich from overseas trade. Dutch burghers, even as they took considerable pride in material ownership, they were still socially traditional, most holding to a reserved and an uncomplicated lifestyle. Some of his paintings illustrated the various strata in th e society. By firm religious rule, the early Protestants dressed in only black and white outfits, despite the cost of the fabrics. Hals revolved the bare clothing to an advantage, making use of the neutral outfits to begin his sitters’ complexions beside light tan or dark gray environment. To evaluate Hals’ varying styles, it is useful to look carefully at fine points, like lace collars, that he handled in a different way during his progress. Two features of hands, separated by almost twenty years, indicate a development in Hals’ technique.